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2021/2022 School Year

11th Nov 2021
Fourth Class completed lots of experiments as part of Science Week. They explored...
10th Nov 2021
Junior infants made rainbow skittles for science week.  We also watched...
8th Nov 2021
Thanks to the generosity of the families in Carbury School, over one hundred shoeboxes...
4th Nov 2021
Junior Infants have some lovely new cushions to sit on during lessons. They are...
4th Nov 2021
Fyffes are on the hunt to find ‘Ireland’s Fittest School’ and...
3rd Nov 2021
This much lauded reading initiative was successfully launched in First Class on...
3rd Nov 2021
We were very busy during Maths Week investigating the best way to mentally add numbers...
1st Nov 2021
Third class students are delighted to be participating again this year in the Shared...
1st Nov 2021
We had been learning about plants and habitats in Geography just before half term....
1st Nov 2021
During Maths week, Senior Infants enjoyed completing different challenges. We played...