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2021/2022 School Year

16th Mar 2022
Third class pupilshave enjoyed learning about the rainforests this term. They did...
16th Mar 2022
Nathan, Créavan and Crélene kindly visited all the classrooms in the...
15th Mar 2022
Fourth class have been studying the Great Famine of Ireland in History .They also...
15th Mar 2022
Junior Infants had so much fun learning ‘Shoe the Donkey’ today for...
14th Mar 2022
As part of working towards our Active School Renewal Flag, we will be taking part...
11th Mar 2022
To celebrate Engineers Week, the pupils in Fourth Class took on the Egg Drop Challenge....
11th Mar 2022
County Sligo Swimming Club hosted their first Primary Schools Gala on Monday 7th...
9th Mar 2022
Third class planted a variety of bulbs which brighten up our school!
4th Mar 2022
Listen to the children in Junior Infants recite the poem 'Spring is Here'.
4th Mar 2022
We had great fun yesterday in second class reading our favourite books and sharing...