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We have been awarded a Plaque of STEM

3rd Jun 2022

Congratulations - Carbury School has achieved an SFI Discover Science and Maths Award. We have evaluated your Log of Evidence and we are satisfied that you have met all the criteria for the Plaque of STEM.

Carbury School has provided evidence of children's engagement with STEM in the following areas:
STEM Showcase

Here is some feedback on your Log of Evidence:

Congratulations to all at Carbury N.S. on achieving a plaque of STEM! It was very interesting to see the range of STEM activities that the whole school are involved in and well done to Sixth Class for sharing their science knowledge and skills with Junior Infants. The video on water saving tips was very enjoyable and informative and it's great to see technology being used to raise awareness of the environment. Learners of all ages clearly have opportunities to develop their coding skills using resources like Lego WeDo. Practical challenges like the egg drop challenge develop skills including problem solving. Keep up the great work and well done!