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Third Class News

23rd May 2024

Magnificent Magnets
The students thoroughly enjoyed learning about magnets and how they are attracted to certain types of metals. Some of the activities they did based on this topic included investigating objects to see if they were magnetic or not, making a compass of their own and creating magnetic car mazes using different materials.

Third class had a big interest in the topic of soil in their science lessons and investigated different soil samples. They found some mini-beasts in the samples too. They’ve been attending to the school vegetable garden daily and are looking forward to the annual school picnic. 

Lego Spike
There was great fun and excitement when the pupils got an opportunity to use the Lego Spike kits on loan from the Sligo Education Centre. These kits allowed the children to motorise their models and control them with coding. They were able to perform different actions through coding such as flashing lights and playing music.