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June Fun in 4th Class

21st Jun 2024

4th Class had a lovely month enjoying lots of nice things after working so hard all year.

A Pop Art lesson involving donuts proved to be a great hit especially as we got to eat the donuts during the lesson!! 

World Cultures Day was also lots of fun - the children thoroughly enjoyed learning about all the cultures in our school….the food at each stall was an added bonus!

Finally, to finish off our Vikings topic, the children eloquently presented their projects to 3rd and 5th Class. They spoke so knowledgeably about their chosen topic of interest. We had everything from Viking jewellery to Viking weaponry to Viking Life and Food. It really was a fantastic showcase of all their hard work and knowledge of The Vikings.

Comhghairdeachas Rang a Ceathair on a great year! Now, enjoy your summer holidays 😎😎😎