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Empowering and inspiring the next generation of environmentalists

21st Oct 2022

Carbury’s Green School Committee would like to express a huge thank you to all the pupils and teachers from Junior Infants to sixth class for taking a stand against litter in the surrounding area of the school.

The committee contacted Sligo County Council with their concerns about the litter on The Mall and the pedestrian bridge. The council kindly donated free litter pickers, gloves and bags to assist the school in tackling the problem. Each child enjoyed the opportunity to clean up the streets and engage in conversation about litter. It was a very motivating, inspiring and enjoyable experience for all involved. Everyone was keen to play their part in cleaning up the area and doing their bit for the environment. Litter picking can have a positive impact on wellbeing and provides a great sense of achievement and empowerment. As a result, the Green School’s committee, the pupils and staff of Carbury School have decided to continue litterpicking on a more regular basis.